Friday, 8 March 2013

2011, LED dash bulbs, new propshaft

2011 was going to be a pottering about year and when my Mum died in the summer it made everything else pretty well unimportant.  She lived in Stroud at the family home of almost 50 years and it turned out we had accumulated an amazing amount of "stuff" which needed sorting out. Not a job you want to do.
I also had lots of my old car stuff stored in her garage which would have to move. I found things I had long forgotten about.


Earlier in the year however, I had decided that I wanted to improve the dash lighting. There had been a lot of talk on the forums about LED bulbs so I thought they would be worth a try.  Its an easy job but you have to take the instrument cluster out which isn't.

I actually looked at the workshop manual to find some of the screws that hold the dash together and to be honest it was not too difficult in the end.  Fiddly and frustrating yes,  but not too difficult. The standard bulbs are pretty small and the LED ones are even smaller so you might need your specs on for this job.

Result is much better instrument lighting at night and highly recommended if you are considering it.


Driving the car about I found that a previously small vibration had started to get more noticeable. I had a spare propshaft on the new car so tried swapping that but it didn't make it much better. Swapping one old propshaft with another old propshaft was never really going to prove anything so I bit the bullet and got a new one from James Paddock Ltd.  They were cheaper than the usual TR7 sources so I guess they had some stock they wanted to shift - lucky for me.

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