Saturday, 2 February 2013

The TR7/8 Forum

Just realised I should mention the TR7/8 forum at this point.

I discovered the forum whilst looking for information about the TR7 on the net. Its very well worth becoming a member (its free to join) as the help and advice available from like minded folks all over the world is priceless. Whatever your problem someone is sure to have experienced it before and will be willing to help you solve it.
You will also discover that you can similarly help someone else which is a great.

Have a look at:-

They call it the "The best TR7/8 Forum on the net"  and I would agree with the description.

A couple of the guys who are noteable members - there are lots of others - with superb cars are

Clay Thompson:
U S A         
                             some very good "idiots guides" with lots of step-by-step pictures

Odd Hedberg:
Sweden                lovely pictures of Odd's projects and his TR8

Holland              car build blog with super pictures of Beans Triton green TR7


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